Google Keywords, Exact Titles

Playing around with Google keywords for each of the 312 UFT items brings out a lot of information. Using UFT249 for example: Electron Spin Orbit Resonance without ” ” brings up the paper as number eight on the first page out of 1,190,000 results. For the classic UFT88 The Bianchi Identity of Differential Geometry without ” ” puts the paper in pole position as expected, number one on the first page of Google, and also number nine on the home page, out of 45,500 results. In order to get a meaningful indicator use less and less keywords to find how long it stays on the first few Google pages. This is a great deal of fun, and you can ask your grandchildren to do this. It would send them to sleep immediately and giving their parents some much needed rest. After their teeth grow they become super energetic. Google uses about two hundred indicators to determine the position of an item, notably quality and impact. It also uses a website filter and spiders very heavily.

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