Plans for Opening Chapter of “The Fermion Equation”

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Monday, March 07, 2011 6:47 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Plans for Opening Chapter of “The Fermion Equation”

To open the book a detailed derivation will be given of the Lorentz transform, based on previous notes, because this transform defines the relativistic momentum which is the Einstein energy equation. The realtivistic momentum p = gamma m v is needed for conservation of momentum in special relativity. Schroedinger’s axiom will be used to derive the wave format of the fermion equation from the Einstein energy equation, which is the relativistic momentum in another guise. After this groundwork the wave fermion equation will be derived from the tetrad postulate of geometry, and its wavefunction recognized as a 2 x 2 tetrad. Then form chapter two onwards the fermion equation will be developed as in UFT 172 ff. A lot of important progress has been made recently in ECE theory and all of it is available pen source on in comprehensive detail. There is essentially nothing left of the physics standard model from about nineteen thirty onwards for any serious intellectual. The physics that really stands up to scrutiny is that up to about nineteen thirty.

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