Spiral Like Elliptical Orbit

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Saturday, May 05, 2012 3:41 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Spiral Like Elliptical Orbit

This is a very interesting result, it could very well be a binary pulsar orbit as well as a droplet orbit. If the droplet orbit can be explained quantitatively Ray Delaforce and Rob Fell can joint Horst and myself as co authors on UFT218.

In a message dated 05/05/2012 09:03:37 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

Prof. Evans,

A while back (2/23/12 to be exact) Rob Fell sent a link to the following NASA youtube video showing water droplets spiraling around an electrically charged knitting needle in microgravity.

[youtube http://youtube.com/w/?v=qHrBhgwq__Q&feature=relmfu” title=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHrBhgwq__Q&feature=relmfu]

Some water droplets orbited in an inward spiral until finally sticking to the needle. However, other droplets orbited first in an inward spiral and then spiraled OUTWARD again!

The logarithmic (ever decreasing r) orbit can explain the former, but one can get the inward/outward orbit with an ‘elliptical orbit’ having an x value < 1 such that x is a reduced fraction p/q, where p=1, q = some N where the number of inward (and outward) spiral loops appears to be N/2. (See attached example.)

Ray Delaforce

Subject: Agreement between Concepts and Methods

This is excellent agreement between concepts and methods, thanks again. I will proceed in the next notes to hyperbolic orbits, the circular orbit was first inferred in UFT193 ff and again confirmed numerically by Horst Eckardt, who noted that it could mean trapped light.

In a message dated 04/05/2012 19:43:07 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

This is what I found already numerically: an inward spiralling orbit appears if x goes to zero and becomes complex valued.


Am 04.05.2012 15:44, schrieb EMyrone

This note shows how a fractal conical section can be transformed into a logarithmic spiral orbit (7) in which r goes to zero with increasing theta. The condition is very small x but identically non-zero. If x is identically zero a circular orbit results. So if the claims for a decreasing r are true in binary pulsars, then it can be explained very easily with the new universal gravitational potential entirely without EGR, and without gravitational radiation which has never been observed. Such simple explanations are too inexpensive to be funded. So in the exigencies of the physics machine simple explanations are rejected for hugely elaborate hyperexpensive nonsense which, however, can be funded.

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