Describing the structure of elementary particles by ECE geometry

In recent papers 449 and 450, a centrally symmetric spacetime was investigated in the view of Cartan geometry. The result is that this structure generates force fields, which partially have a divergence and curl. The divergence can be consideres as a “topoligical” source of matter. I am extending this model to a rotating spherical spacetime in Paper 451. Rotation is everywhere, because there are no fixed points in the universe. The rotation generates 6 fields, 3 electric and 3 magnetic, in total. These are at the same time matter fields, because ECE theory is a unified field theory. The result can be compared with the 6 “quarks” of elementary particle theory (3 “up” and 3 “down” quarks), by which ordinary matter (consisting of protons and neutrons) is made. The other 12 quark types appear only under extreme conditions as in paricle accelerators or in the higher atmosphere. The ECE model could provide a structural model for matter that is based completely on geometry. No quantum theory was used for these considerations so far.

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