Discussion of 389(7): The Completed Law of Consevation of Antisymmetry

Agreed, this is of key importance. If A is chosen as the starting point, omega can be computed from Eqs. (9) to (11), an exactly determined set of three equations. Then phi can be calculated from Eqs. (2) and (4), finally omega sub 0 is calculated from eq. (4). I will summarizes this method in the next note for electromagnetism and gravitation and then proceed to write up UFT389. The standard model is completely erroneous, it does not conserve antisymmetry as was first shown in UFT131.

To: EMyrone@aol.com
Sent: 27/09/2017 11:48:41 GMT Daylight Time
Subj: Re: 389(7): The Completed Law of Consevation of Antisymmetry

It is important that the potentials are self-consistent as you have described. As we will see from the examples I am preparing for UFT 388, taking over well known approaches from the standard model can lead to inconsistencies in the field equations for example. Using a regauging could be a remedy for this.


Am 27.09.2017 um 12:24 schrieb EMyrone:

This has taken nearly a decade to develop, and in electrodynamics consists of Eqs. (1) and (2) and Eqs. (9) to (11). These equations are based on the tetrad postulate of Cartan geometry and the antisymmetry of a differential two form, in this case the electromagnetic field tensor on the ECE2 level in physics. Eqs. (1) and (2) must be solved simultaneously for the scalar spin connection and the scalar potential, and Eqs. (9) to (11) for the vector spin connection given the vector potential. They must be applied simultaneously with the field equations on the ECE2 level in physics. This note uses the gauge transformation (24) to ensure that the differential equation (28) for phi that emerges from Eqs. (1) and (2) is self consistent. If the scalar potential phi from Eq. (28) is not the same as the experimentally determined phi, then the former is regarded as the gauge shifted phi defined by Eq. (29). The Maxwell Heaviside theory violates the law of conservation of antisymmetry as shown initially in UFT131 ff. So the standard U(1) theory of electrodynamics is completely refuted, as is zero photon mass theory and Higgs boson theory, and also the standard electroweak theory (U(1) x SU(2)) and grand unified theory (U(1) x SU(2) x SU(3)), together with Einsteinian general relativity. The electroweak theory is entirely refuted in other ways in UFT225. The scientometrics show beyond doubt that these conclusions has been accepted by a vast avant garde school of thought: ECE Physics. This exists indefinitely alongside the standard model of physics, which has been riddled completely by well known and accepted refutations. AIAS / UPITEC is the leading institute of physics in the world and has developed a new distance teaching and publication method at no cost to the taxpayer, with the exception of my Civil List pension of £2,400 a year. This is a token of gratitude by Queen Elizabeth and Parliament for services to science and voluntary work, and is not meant to live on. I earn my living in other ways. All our results are openly accessible worldwide.

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