267(4): Remarks by Dr Gareth J. Evans

Agreed, the plane in this case is defined by the basic hamiltonian of an assumed planar orbit. More generally the hamiltonian must be expressed in terms of r, phi and theta. I will do this shortly. Planetary orbits are two dimensional but orbitals are three dimensional, or four dimensional in relativistic orbits.

Sent: 29/07/2014 07:47:54 GMT Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Computational results from 267(4): Velocities and Expectation Values of r

This is what happens when we approximate a 3D real world with 2D representations. The same is true in optics using ray diagrams etc. Unfortunately, we tend to see and think in 2D – and lose detail and information as a consequence (as you elegantly show here). Much of physics is still locked in a flat world!

Sent from Samsung Mobile

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