267(5): Effect of Ubiquitous Thomas Precession on the Schroedinger Equation

This note shows that the effect is to make the ellipse of note 267(4) precess, with precession factor given by Eq. (11). The Schroedinger equation is changed to Eq. (26), which appears to be insoluble analytically but can be approximated by Eq. (38) which gives Schroedinger solutions with k replaced by x squared k wherever k occurs in the wavefunctions (k = e squared / (4 pi eps0)), so e squared can be coded in as x squared e squared. The precession factor x is very close to unity as in planetary precession, but spectral techniques are very precise and might be able to observe its effects. The expectation values are defined in Eq. (40) and have to be worked out nmerically as in Note 267(4). The ubiquitous Thomas precession changes the entire subject of computational quantum chemistry. It is caused by a rotating Minkowski metric. The rotation in this case is that of the electron around the proton in an H atom. In planetary precession it is the rotation of m around M. In pendulum precession it is the rotation of the earth’s surface. It is not the Thomas factor of a half, which is already factored in to the fermion equation, it is ubiquitous, and appears for example in pendulum precessions, planetary orbits and now it has been realized to exist in atomic and molecular spectra. As usual this is a simple first theory that can be greatly refined.


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